Have you recently had an eco green roof added to your property? Are you in the process of deciding between a conventional roof and a living roof and want more information about upkeep?
A green roof, or living roof, is an eco-friendly choice that also resolves conventional roofing issues, including storm water management and energy efficiency. Because they’re covered in vegetation, greens roofs require a bit more maintenance than the conventional roof. The following green roof maintenance tips can help keep your new eco roof lush for years to come.
Get Rid of Weeds
Like gardens, green roofs are susceptible to weed infestation. A few times each year, you should remove grass and other weeds that can take over and prevent your green roof plants from thriving.
Clear Out Drainage Areas
In addition to killing your green roof vegetation, improper drainage can cause serious water damage to your underlying roof structure and the building itself. Twice a year, you should remove plants that are growing too close to drains, as well as around the border of the roof.
Inspect for Pests
While living roofs are designed to attract certain insects to support biodiversity, unwanted pests may start calling your roof home. If you suspect an infestation of insects, birds, mice, rats or other pests, it’s important to have an effective, integrated pest management system in place to prevent further damage.
Ensure Proper Watering Practices
Eco roofs are engineered to require little to no watering. However, during certain times of the year, you may experience a dry spell. In order to keep your green roof alive, you may need to water the plants. Err on the side of caution when watering the roof, as too much water can add excessive weight.
Green Roof Maintenance from McDonald & Wetle
Since 1921, McDonald & Wetle has been providing commercial roofing services to businesses throughout the Pacific Northwest. If you want to learn more about green roof maintenance or require maintenance and repair services, contact our Lakewood, WA office or our Portland, OR office today.